Command List: /h | /help Eternity RO - Your Timeless Legend ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Welcome to EternityRO :: Your timeless legend :: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us in IRC! #EternityRO @ If you need help contact a GM via IRC, forums or @request. Powered by AreReinvent Version 0.58 ^J!! Autolooting items with drop rates of 100.00% and below. You have 0 new emails (0 unread) GM-Ovid: All your donations will not be given back Clammet : lol Bio3 Marisa : his last 3 lines Marisa : Seeing as server is dying, we will close it now Marisa : The server will not restart Marisa : All your donations will not be given back GM-Ovid: Server is shutting down, so you may as well just sell GM-Ovid: all of your equips GM-Ovid: If you sell your equips to an NPC, and I mean all of them GM-Ovid: You will temporarily gain GM commands GM-Ovid: presizely: GM-Level 40 for 10 minutes. GM-Ovid: But you will have to sell all of them GM-Ovid: Server is hereby shutting down Oraakkeli : SCAM H0ly : i hear the soundtrack of it ^^ Ramsay : My brother gonna be pissed >_> GM-Ovid: We have good news for everyone who wants to play RO Clammet : Don't worry it's not shutting down Loyow : that this is a fucking bad joke Proxima : Will server open again ? Viuhtoja : onkohan se saanu jonkun hermoromahduksen Clammet : Don't NPC your gearz Denia : is that true? Proxima : npc'ing gear is useless H0ly : ^^+ Proxima : dont do it Oraakkeli : haxattu tai sit vaan flipannu Azra : u the fuck is stupid enough to sell his equips to npc? Loyow : don't think so Clammet : Server isn't closing GM-Ovid: eternityRO will merge with legacyRO GM-Ovid: Find more information : Proxima : probably he is a gm Marisa : Ovid, or whoever is on Ovid, is lying Loyow : lol Moe Lester : LOOOLOLOL Azra : rofl Proxima : whom is getting banned Viuhtoja : no jos toi on haksoroitu ni lol Loyow : wohoo, sure Marisa : clearly haxx0red by Legacy player Moe Lester : HAHAHAHAH Marisa : dont listen to it Success : EHH Moe Lester : hahahahahah HoIy : LOL